Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Nothing worth having comes easy

Everyone will inevitably face a certain form of hardship. Some are fortunate enough to not have that much in their hands while others, not so much luck. Life isn't fair and that is as cold as it gets. The sooner we embrace that fact, the faster we can get a good grip of ourselves and soldier on. I guess the best way in dealing with them is to make the best of what we have and strive for better. Even if our efforts were futile, we can still cherish what we have and not let it go to waste. Do not let it slip through your fingers as you will never know what you lost till you lose them.

I wish I could still tell whatever that is within every night and hopefully get it reciprocated but given the current situation, I am not given much of a choice but to swallow it all even if those few words are at the tip of my tongue.

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